Reithy Rezo

excitable tank(art by @ebelcities)


Name: Reithy Rezo
Nicknames: Rei, ReiRei
Age: 18 (ARR) / 23 (EW)
Gender: Female (she/her)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Eternally Bonded
Race: Miqote (Seeker)
Height: 158.9 cm
Main Class: Paladin
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Name day: 13th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Eye Color: Teal (Baja Blast!)
Hair Color: White with dark blue streaks on the ends
Skin color: Dark tan
Notable Features: Her eyebrows are short and circular. She has a scar on each cheek cutting across her markings and white paint streaked on the ends of her top facial markings. She is also left-handed (not shown in game/in game screenshots).
Voice: Voice 1 Miqo'te | Doncaster Accent
Outfit References: Main
| Endwalker Outfit | 2
Older Outfits: Outfit 1 | Outfit 2 | Outfit 3 | Outfit 4 | Outfit 5


A Miqo'te with a fierce will to break free and be wild.She was born as G'Rei Zolwe, a small and frail Sun Seeker Miqo'te. However, while small, she grew into a rebellious young child with a knack for pushing the limits in everything she did regardless of the consequences. This never did stop her as much as she could help, but being born into such a partiarchal tribe as Seekers naturally fall into, she ran into a wall due to her not being a male. She marveled at the idea of going into battle with the other clanmates and taking on ferocious beasts and perils. But, she was pushed into the duties of providing care and nurture to the tribe instead of defending it. While an admirable job, it was not what young G'Rei's heart yearned for. The child around the age of eight, pulled a grand scheme to disguise herself as a male rather than a female. Her parents were fairly busy with many children and did not account for the young Miqo'te's disappearance every day. The tribes was bustling with activity and did not bother to question where the Miqo'te belonged to and where "he" had popped up from. This went on for almost a decade before G'Rei decided that they needed more in life, this tribe protection she had been assigned to was beginning to bore her and she knew that out in the world, there was better and more power for her to harness.This is where things changed. One day, a voice that was not her own, began speaking in her head. Urging her to leave the tribe and find the place called Ul'Dah. There, her true journey would begin. Excited, the teenage Miqo'te left the tribe in the middle of the night with ignited spirit and a feeling of new power burning in her chest. She wasn't sure if it was the voice named Hydaelyn or if it was just her excitement making her think she was suddenly gaining power. For all she knew, the voice was her losing her mind but she also knew she could not bear to stay in the tribe any longer. She had always known this was not her true home and this was the sign she had been looking for.So she set off to this Ul'Dah with the kindness and direction of many, many strangers. To erase all ties from her tribe she changed her name. Reithy, as a tribute to her original name, and Seraphim as her surname. A word a kind stranger had told her about and she had decided to take on because of the beauty of the word. When she arrived in Ul'Dah she wandered through the different guilds, confused but in awe. Then after a few days she settled on the Gladiator's Guild and there her journey as the Warrior of Light began.


Reithy is easily excitable and tends to be quite high energy. Due to her high energy, she makes the perfect tank by attracting the attention of enemies with her natural demeanor. On the other hand, this makes her an awful healer and caster because she cannot stand still long enough to cast spells. On the same line, she has a lot of street smarts and wit but lacks book knowledge which also makes casting a difficult task for her.She is often overly friendly with just about anyone upon first meeting them and often comes off as flirty because of her frequent light-hearted teasing. Giving people hugs and blowing kisses is her trademark whenever she sees someone she has met before, if it was just once before. After becoming quite comfortably with you, she has a knack for being very sarcastic. Almost as if she's trying to provoke you into anger just for the fun of it, but she will always try to calm you down if it gets to far. Be warned though, if you do happen to make it to her bad side she is extremely aggressive, going out of her way to make you feel hated and uncomfortable and will hold that grudge for life.She is also extremely confident to a point of borderline overconfident about her abilities as a tank and leading the team. This often leads to her doing dangerous and risky things just for the hell of it and she does not always make it out unscathed. Screaming, squealing, and cursing is a common occurrence when adventuring with her.


Matias InvictaReithy is eternally bonded to Matias. She met him while he started his adventures in Gridania and decided to help him out since he seemed quite clueless about just about everything in Eorzea. Eventually, they took a liking to each other because he laughed along and took her teasing and sometimes even poked back. Not to mention he is quite handsome and was just Reithy's type. Often times, you can find her admiring him while he crafts or even joining him side-by-side. On occasion he will join Reithy in dungeons and raids but he hasn't quite got rid of that clumsiness in battle yet, causing her to go out of her way to cover him.

Cho'ba/Chobo RezoReithy's adoptive sibling that she met during her time just before embarking on the adventure to the First. They meshed together well and were the perfect combination due to their respective loves for tanking and healing. However, beware if you happen to get partied up with them. Reithy is usually trying to "test" his limits by stacking vulnerability stacks or taking on large mobs without mitigations. Most times he holds a scowl towards Reithy while she is grinning ear to ear trying to pat him on the head and blow kisses at him for being such a good sport on her wild acts.